Friday, January 25, 2019

Mike Krol - Power Chords

Disappointment, heartache, disaffection, impossible expectations, multiple overlapping messes?  Could be your life, could be our life.  And it happens to be the script for Power Chords, the new album by L.A.'s Mike Krol.  However, Power Chords also stands as a glorious example of loud, fuzzy, hook-filled indie rock and power pop.  There is plenty of noise, and plenty of musical sugar.  Moreover, while the production serves up the music well, enough ragged edges are left to remind us of the subject matter and the style.

To our ears, this is a complete package of vibrant, vital rock with a big heart and astute craftsmanship.  Of course, we have no idea whether it will catch on with the masses, but don't let it fly under your radar.  Get it, you won't be disappointed.

Power Chords is out now via Merge Records.

Bandcamp for Power Chords
Merge Records page for Mike Krol

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