Monday, November 11, 2019

Blue Tiles - Melancholitronica

Melancholitronica is constructed of contrasts: The vocal style of Stephen McLaren with the vocal style of Sean Ormsby; icy electronica and brisk percussion with warm synth textures; earthy male vocals with angelic choruses; and melancholy with bright, aural colors. The creators are Blue Tiles, a Edinburgh duo formerly known as Shards, and they have spent a long time creating a synth pop that should satisfy the listener for an equally long time. While a few of the songs could grace the dance floor, in the main this album aims for the head, not the feet. And while that strikes us as a trickier target, Blue Tiles doesn't appear to break into a sweat in scoring a direct hit. It challenges and relaxes, and always delights

Blue Tiles are Stephen McLaren and Sean Ormsby, with vocal assistance on "Headland" by Sarrah McLaren. Melancholitronica is released via Errant Media, presumably after protracted negotiations between artists McLaren and Ormsby with label honchos Ormsby and McLaren.

Bandcamp for Melancholitronica
Twitter for Errant Media

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