Tuesday, August 6, 2024

"Guts, Brains" by Wut


"Guts, Brains" makes us about as happy as we can be on a Tuesday. Beat Happening meets riot girls meets softies meets Shop Assistants in an effervescent gem. The message of the song is listen and learn, don't just trust your guts and brains. The impact is pure musical pleasure. The proud parents are Vancouver trio Wut, consisting of Tracey Vath, Kaity McWhinney, and Lauren Smith (who variously also ply their trade in Knife Pleats, Love Cuts, Tough Age and Jock Tears).

The song is taken from the upcoming LP Mingling With The Thorns, which will drop in a couple of weeks via HHBTM Records.


Bandcamp for Mingling With The Thorns

Various relevant links

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