Tuesday, July 16, 2024

"Ancient Slice" and "The Darkest Corner" by Tony Jay


Some of our most rewarding listening in the past five years or so has originated in the San Francisco Bay Area's lo-fi/DIY scene. The participants are talented, adventuresome, supportive of each other, and prolific. Among our favorites is Mike Ramos, whose projects include Tony Jay and Flowertown (he also contributed to Sad Eyed Beatnik's Ten Brocades LP that we featured a couple of days ago). Last week Tony Jay announced an new album title Knife Is But A Dream. which will be released in advance of Mike's upcoming Japan tour. Two of the album tracks, "Ancient Slice" and "The Darkest Corner" can be streamed now. The former is a noisy, ambient one-and-a-half minute transmission from inner space. The latter is a lovely slice of dream pop more closely related to Mike's recent work.

Knife Is But A Dream will be released by Paisley Shirt Records, Slumberland Records, and in Japan by Galaxy Train.

Bandcamp Knife Is But A Dream 

Paisley Shirt Records'' Bandcamp (digital/cassette)

Galaxy Train's Bandcamp.

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