Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Eversons - Stuck In New Zealand

The Eversons were a New Zealand band, and now they are a British band.  Impeccable timing, boys -- just in time to try to break into the European market while Brexit trashes everything.  So we may not ask the band for career tips or stock market plays, but we are big fans of the music.  On their recent album, Stuck In New Zealand, The Eversons fashion indie rock with plenty of melody and hooks, beats that invite dancing, and a lot of humor.  Yes, they really are funny, and they have the kind of humor that may have you asking "are they really singing that? Awesome!"  And if the humor has a bite, you can always pretend that it is about someone else.

The style covers modern indie rock, '70s classic rock, a bit of glam, some jangle and bubblegum.  The two lead singers occupy their roles in the stories with conviction.  This album is excellent rock music, and a lot of fun.  It is available on Lil' Chief Records; see the Bandcamp link.


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