Ceremony is new to me, although the former band of Ceremony's members, Skywave, was a noise pop/shoegaze band from a few years ago that, to my disappointment, dropped off the radar. The sound of the band boasts fuzzy, reverb-heavy guitars that remind this listener of My Bloody Valentine, A Place to Bury Strangers, and, not surprisingly, Skywave. In my view, the band is a welcome addition to the rock music landscape.
The members of the band are John Fedowitz, formerly of Skywave, and Paul Baker, and they are based in Fredericksburg, Virginia.
Ceremony released a four track EP Not Tonight earlier this year on the Custom Made Music label. Here is the track "Take You Down":
And "Dreams Stripped Away":
"Stars Fall" was on the album Rocket Fire, released in April 2010.
Custom Made Music
Paul was also in Skywave
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