Monday, October 15, 2012

New 7" from The Spook School

I'm a bit hurt, but not hurt enough to look like the dude on the cover art below.  Why am I hurt?  Because The Spook School didn't advise us that they were releasing a new 7".  I mean, what is the point of being a stalker, um, internet music blogger, if it doesn't entitle one to a bit of the old advance.  But release a new single they have - "Here We Go/Cameraman" was out on October 10.  I could sulk about it, but I am loathe to show weakness.  Besides, I really like this Edinburgh band's music.

Here is the video for the first track:

By the way, this release is out on Cloudberry Records, a US label that likes jangly guitar pop, so we are likely to check out their catalog soon.

And here is the stream of both tracks:

The Spook School is Naomi Todd, Adam Todd, Anna Cory and Niall McCamley.

Cloud Berry Records

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