Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sad Eyed Beatniks - Ten Brocades


If you have just packed your bags for the proverbial desert island, delay your departure and leave some room for Ten Brocades by Sad Eyed Beatniks. A bold opener, perhaps. But a statement that is justified by the music. Every one of the ten tracks is jewel on its own merits, and as a whole it is tapestry of delightful and varied lo fi musical storytelling. We have previously covered the intriguing and sweetly nostalgic "You Belong to Us", the relaxing summer strummer "Monumental Ensemble", and the Dylanesque ramble "It's Who Makes The Scene". To our great satisfaction, we have discovered new favorites in the other seven tracks, including the slinky, bluesy opener "Barong Mask", the VU-style drone pop of "The Broken Playwright Waits", and the folky rock shuffle "Barefoot On The Burning Marble". In truth, we would have been satisfied that we had showcased Ten Brocades by choosing any of the tracks. We expect that this album will be one of the top ten of the year for us so we strongly urge you to lend it your ears.

Songwriter, vocalist and playing most of the instruments is the sad eyed beatnik himself, Kevin Linn. In addition to his day job and making music, he also runs the tasteful indie label Paisley Shirt Records. For this album Kevin secured the assistance of Karina Gill (Cindy/Flowertown) and Mike Ramos (Tony Jay/Flowertown). Ten Brocades is out now in digital and vinyl formats via Meritorio Records


Bandcamp for Ten Brocades

Meritorio page for Ten Brocades

Various links for Kevin Linn

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