Friday, July 26, 2024

Nightshift - Homosapien


The core of Homosapien, the new album by Glasgow collective Nightshift, is assured and upfront rhythms and taut arrangements. The additional magic is supplied by the affecting vocals, distorted and inventive guitars and and approach to songwriting that embraces multiple styles, perspectives and details. If one were forced to apply one genre, post punk would probably raise its hand, tentatively. But at times the band is more in an inspired alt folk space and in others experimental pop might fit more comfortably. But we aren't going to obsess about such labels beyond telling you that the delights are multiple, varied, and at times pleasingly surprising. After our first listen to Homosapien our impression was that it is as if many other post punk bands are recording in black and white, and Nightshift is painting with a full color palette. The songs are uniformly excellent, but of course any listener will have favorites. We have a big smile on our faces whenever we play "Phone", and we often play "Phone". "Crush" and "Sure Look" pushed their assertive selves to the front as well, but all are worthy. Yes, it is one of our top albums of the year.

Nightshift are Eothen Stern, Chris White, Rob Alexander and Andrew Doig. Ray Aggs contributes violin on "Phone" and "Sure Look". Homosapien is out now via Trouble In Mind Records.





Bandcamp for Homosapien

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