Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Emma Russack - About The Girl


Emma Russack is a gifted songwriter and performer. But in our opinion what puts her above many of her contemporaries is her ability to evince curiosity and vitality in her music. And these qualities are at the forefront of her new album About The Girl, whether voicing a slow tempo vamp like "I Know You Feel It Too" or an up tempo pop should-be-a-hit like "About The Girl" and "Everything Is Big". Sophisticated yet accessible -- perhaps this is what it is like if the girl next door becomes a top flight musician but still chats over the back fence and hands you a beer on a hot summer day. She tells you about her day, and then tells you about her year. The words are direct and honest, but with perspective and humor.

We're are sure we'd stay for a second year and another round of stories if invited to do so.

About The Girl is out now via Dinosaur City Records.




Bandcamp for the album and singles

Soundcloud for "About The Girl"

Various links for "About The Girl"

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