Wednesday, July 31, 2024

"The End" by Chime School


Yes, it is summer and we expect that many readers my still be suffering from the psychological trauma of being forced to take summer school at some point in their youth. We do not underestimate the unpleasantness of sharpening math skills that are flabby because you were too busy flirting with the cute new kid during the academic year, but we don't think that you should continue to carry a grudge. Especially when the summer offerings from San Francisco's Chime School are so warm, comfortable and jangly. The latest offering is "The End", which is the final single (and, curiously, the lead track) from their upcoming The Boy Who Ran The Paisley Hotel, which will be out August 23 via Slumberland.


Sunday, July 28, 2024

"Pink Smoke" by Quivers // Seattle show tomorrow!


Given its location, it is understandable that Seattle is a seafood town. But Monday, July 29 is special because those of us old enough to be out and play in the dark get an early round of Oyster Cuts. Yes, indeed! Even though the new album from Melboure's Quivers won't be released until August 9, the band is playing in Seattle Monday night and you can be sure to get an advance listen to the new tunes. We featured two of them previously, but the rocking third single "Pink Smoke" is out and you can stream it below.

The show is at Substation, 645 NW 45th Street, from 7-11pm (link for tickets). The opening band is local representative Who Is She? (links for Who Is She?) comprised of members of Chastity Belt, Tacocat, and Lisa Prank. 

For those of you who don't live in the gentle shadow of WYMA World Headquarters, the remainder of Quivers' scheduled shows for 2024 are at the bottom of this post.

Quivers' website


X (twitter)


Bandcamp for Oyster Cuts

Spotify link for "Apparition"

Various relevant links

Remaining Tour Dates

July 29 Seattle, WA - Substation
Jul 31 Brooklyn, NY – Union Pool
Aug 01 Brooklyn, NY – Union Pool
Aug 02 Washington, DC – Comet Ping Pong
Aug 03 Philadelphia, PA – TBA

Aug 04 Richmond, VA – Get Tight Lounge

Oct 14 Columbus, OH – Skully’s Music Diner*
Oct 15 Chicago, IL – Lincoln Hall*

Oct 16 Minneapolis, MN – First Avenue*
Oct 17 Omaha, NE – The Waiting Room*
Oct 18 Sioux Falls, SD – Icon Lounge*
Oct 19 Lawrence, KS – Granada Theater*
Oct 21 Austin, TX – Radio / East*
Oct 22 Houston, TX – White Oak Music Hall* 

Oct 23 New Orleans, LA – Toulouse Theatre*

* w/ Superchunk

Europe / U.K. Tour: (More TBA soon):

Dec 03 Dresden, DE – Ostpol
Dec 05 Hamburg, DE – Hebebühne

Dec 06 Amsterdam, NL – Paradiso
Dec 10 Paris, FR – Supersonic
Dec 11 London, UK – The Lexington
Dec 12 Manchester, UK – Castle Hotel

Friday, July 26, 2024

Nightshift - Homosapien


The core of Homosapien, the new album by Glasgow collective Nightshift, is assured and upfront rhythms and taut arrangements. The additional magic is supplied by the affecting vocals, distorted and inventive guitars and and approach to songwriting that embraces multiple styles, perspectives and details. If one were forced to apply one genre, post punk would probably raise its hand, tentatively. But at times the band is more in an inspired alt folk space and in others experimental pop might fit more comfortably. But we aren't going to obsess about such labels beyond telling you that the delights are multiple, varied, and at times pleasingly surprising. After our first listen to Homosapien our impression was that it is as if many other post punk bands are recording in black and white, and Nightshift is painting with a full color palette. The songs are uniformly excellent, but of course any listener will have favorites. We have a big smile on our faces whenever we play "Phone", and we often play "Phone". "Crush" and "Sure Look" pushed their assertive selves to the front as well, but all are worthy. Yes, it is one of our top albums of the year.

Nightshift are Eothen Stern, Chris White, Rob Alexander and Andrew Doig. Ray Aggs contributes violin on "Phone" and "Sure Look". Homosapien is out now via Trouble In Mind Records.





Bandcamp for Homosapien

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

"Nine Clean Nails" by Dummy


Talented and adventuresome, Dummy is a band that truly deserves your ears. If you missed their debut album Mandatory Enjoyment, that's OK because number 2 Free Energy will be out September 6 via Trouble In Mind Records. Check out the single "Nine Clean Nails" in which the band lays down a commanding groove before adding vocal and then blowing out the windows with the guitars. Rhythmic, taut and poppy, it is a certain winner.

The members of this Los Angeles band are Alex Ewell, Emma Maatman, Nathan O'Dell and Joe Trainor.


Bandcamp for Free Energy

Monday, July 22, 2024

"Forgive and Forget" by Wings of Desire


Our first Monday morning listen was the thrilling "Forgive and Forget", a shoegazy post punk tune by Stroud, UK's Wings of Desire. The song is taken from their three-track EP Shut Up And Listen. The EP will be out August 30 in digital and cassette formats.

The proceeds from the sale of the EP will support The Long Table, a community service organization in Stroud.




Bandcamp for EP

Various relevant links

Sunday, July 21, 2024

"The Depths Of An Answer" by Dumbo Gets Mad


It isn't our fault, but Dumbo Gets Mad. We have not way of knowing what mayhem a mad Dumbo will create, but his new psychedelic pop/soft rock tune "The Depths Of An Answer" suggests that the results actually may be quite pleasing. However, we nevertheless would recommend that you not turn your back on on mad Dumbo.

Dumbo Gets Mad is the project of Luca Bergomi.




Bandcamp for single

Various relevant links for the single

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Halfheads - History of Weird EP


We live by few rules at WYMA, but one rule is never ignore the weird. So today we feature and EP that was released in late June titled History of Weird by Australian band Halfheads. Punchy, urgent and a bit chaotic in places, it also displays a good sense of melody. The band pulls back a bit for the touching third track but ramps up for the closer "Max Ray", which probably is a co-favorite of ours on this EP.

You can find History of Weird at the Bandcamp link below as a digital download.


Bandcamp for EP

"Ancient Slice" and "The Darkest Corner" by Tony Jay


Some of our most rewarding listening in the past five years or so has originated in the San Francisco Bay Area's lo-fi/DIY scene. The participants are talented, adventuresome, supportive of each other, and prolific. Among our favorites is Mike Ramos, whose projects include Tony Jay and Flowertown (he also contributed to Sad Eyed Beatnik's Ten Brocades LP that we featured a couple of days ago). Last week Tony Jay announced an new album title Knife Is But A Dream. which will be released in advance of Mike's upcoming Japan tour. Two of the album tracks, "Ancient Slice" and "The Darkest Corner" can be streamed now. The former is a noisy, ambient one-and-a-half minute transmission from inner space. The latter is a lovely slice of dream pop more closely related to Mike's recent work.

Knife Is But A Dream will be released by Paisley Shirt Records, Slumberland Records, and in Japan by Galaxy Train.

Bandcamp Knife Is But A Dream 

Paisley Shirt Records'' Bandcamp (digital/cassette)

Galaxy Train's Bandcamp.

Monday, July 15, 2024

"Lost Touch" by Tears Run Rings


Portland, Oregon's Tears Run Rings are not especially prolific, but good things can take time. Besides, they have other things to do such as founding and running the excellent label Shelflife Records. Our ears are happy, however, because they have found time to record their fourth album Everything In The End. The just released first single -- "Lost Touch" -- demonstrates that the band's mastery of euphoric, layered and dreamy shoegaze remains intact. We think it is a perfect way to elevate your evening mood. Your family will thank you.

Tears Run Rings are Matthew Bice (vocals/guitar), Laura Watling (vocals/bass), Ed Mazzucco (guitar), and Dwayne Palasek (drums). Everything In The End will be released September 6 via Shelflife Records.





Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sad Eyed Beatniks - Ten Brocades


If you have just packed your bags for the proverbial desert island, delay your departure and leave some room for Ten Brocades by Sad Eyed Beatniks. A bold opener, perhaps. But a statement that is justified by the music. Every one of the ten tracks is jewel on its own merits, and as a whole it is tapestry of delightful and varied lo fi musical storytelling. We have previously covered the intriguing and sweetly nostalgic "You Belong to Us", the relaxing summer strummer "Monumental Ensemble", and the Dylanesque ramble "It's Who Makes The Scene". To our great satisfaction, we have discovered new favorites in the other seven tracks, including the slinky, bluesy opener "Barong Mask", the VU-style drone pop of "The Broken Playwright Waits", and the folky rock shuffle "Barefoot On The Burning Marble". In truth, we would have been satisfied that we had showcased Ten Brocades by choosing any of the tracks. We expect that this album will be one of the top ten of the year for us so we strongly urge you to lend it your ears.

Songwriter, vocalist and playing most of the instruments is the sad eyed beatnik himself, Kevin Linn. In addition to his day job and making music, he also runs the tasteful indie label Paisley Shirt Records. For this album Kevin secured the assistance of Karina Gill (Cindy/Flowertown) and Mike Ramos (Tony Jay/Flowertown). Ten Brocades is out now in digital and vinyl formats via Meritorio Records


Bandcamp for Ten Brocades

Meritorio page for Ten Brocades

Various links for Kevin Linn

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

"Wandering Song" by Chime School


So, just were does the "Wandering Song" wander, you ask. To our ears it wanders on the psychedelic side of jangle street, which happens to be one of our favorite musical neighborhoods. It is a bouncy, power pop tune to bridge between last weekend and the coming one. Your tour guide for this little adventure is Andy Pastalaniec -- also known as Chime School. Taken from his upcoming LP The Boy Who Ran The Paisley Hotel will be out August 23 via Slumberland Records.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

"Vaqueiro" by Claude Fountaine


American musical chef Claude Fountaine has cooked a tropical stew of French pop, cool Brazilian tones and reggae for her new album La Mer. Of course we want to hear it, and so should you. Patience is required because the album isn't out until September 6. However, you can take it for a test drive via first single "Vaqueiro". We think this will be one of the coolest left-field wonders of the year.

La Mer will be released via Innovative Leisure Records.

Monday, July 8, 2024

"Monster" by Best Bets


"Monster" comes out of the blocks like the premier bull at the rodeo. The guitar and rhythm section feel like they are in your chest cavity while the catchy melody hangs on for dear life. We aren't prone to gamble (because one mistake could wipe out the week's beer budget), but we are happy to wager that Best Bets are going to thrill us with upcoming LP The Hollow Husk of Feeling. The New Zealand band, now a four-piece with the addition of Joe Sampson (who has been on these pages several times in the past), crafts power pop with plenty of garage fuzz. Just the way we like it! The Hollow Husk of Feeling will be released on September 27 via Meritorio Records (Eur/USA/Can) and Melted Ice Cream (NZ/rest of the universe).

Best Bets are Olly Crawford Ellis, James Harding, Matt Phimmavanh, and Joe Sampson. James and Olly are members of Transistors and Joe  has been in Salad Boys, T54 and other projects (including the label Melted Ice Cream). 

Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Proctors - Snowdrops and Hot Air Balloons


We do love the jangle here at WYMA so, of course, we love The Proctors. The UK band jangles, and they jangle well. But they also craft delightful melodies and dreamy, swirling soundscapes. Unlike many of their indie pop sibling bands, The Proctors arrangements often are lush and and incorporate shoegaze elements. All of these qualities are present in glorious abundance in their recent release, Snowdrops and Hot Air Balloons. Perhaps the best yet from this band's second coming (they formed in the '90s, pursued other projects, and then reformed in the last decade), it offers ten high quality tracks that are perfect for the summer weather.

Snowdrops and Hot Air Balloons is out now in digital, vinyl and CD formats via Sunday Records.




Sunday Records' Bandcamp page for album

Fhe Proctors' Bandcamp page for album

Saturday, July 6, 2024

"It's Who Makes The Scene" by Sad-Eyed Beatniks


We told you that Ten Brocades by Sad Eyed Beatniks is going to be a very good album. Did you believe us? Admittedly the album won't be out until next week so you are entitled to reserve judgement regarding our opinion, but the just released third single "It's Who Makes The Scene" should tip the balance in our favor. Following the sweet folk pop of "You Belong With Us" and the languid, summery shuffle of "Monumental Ensemble", this new single is rumbling, mid-tempo burner that spins a story reminiscent of Dylan's early electric period. We loved the other two, but this one may be our favorite so far.

Sad Eyed Beatniks is Kevin Linn, who runs Paisley Shirt Records when not being the sad eyed beatnik. On Ten Brocades Kevin is assisted by Cindy/Flowertown mates Karina Gill and Mike Ramos. Ten Brocades LP is due July 12 in digital and vinyl formats via Meritorio Records.


Bandcamp for Ten Brocades

Meritorio page for Ten Brocades

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

"Sure Look" by Nightshift


Homosapien, the upcoming album by Glasgow's musically adventurous Nightshift is just a few weeks from hitting our eager ears. But the tease continues with the lovely third single, "Sure Look". A calming reminder to pay attention to self care, it bears the band's hallmark propulsive rhythms, inventive guitar and enchanting vocals, all accented with a fiddle. This is going to be a "don't miss album" dear readers. Don't miss it.

Nightshift are Eothen Stearn, Chris White, Andrew Doig, and Rob Alexander. Ray Aggs plays fiddle on several tracks. Homosapien will be out July 26 via Trouble In Mind Records.