Wednesday, August 7, 2024

"Bus" by Naked Roommate


Depending on the living arrangements you have had throughout your adult life, the notion of a naked roommate might be thrilling or frightening. But today we bring you an exciting (and completely non-threatening) Naked Roommate. The occasion is "Bus", the first single from the upcoming LP Pass the Loofah. And while non-threatening, it strikes our ears as sexy as hell and our feet can't stop moving. We cued it up first thing this morning and all our morning activities have been completed in record time. We may use the race shoes for the morning run!  Freewheeling and beat heavy, like Lizzy Mercier Descloux merged with Australia's No Zu.

The Oakland outfit's new album is due October 25 via Trouble In Mind Records.


Bandcamp for Pass the Loofah

Trouble In Mind Records

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