Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Oh Boland - Western Leisure


Exact portions are unknown, and vary among the tracks, but the music created by Oh Boland for Western Leisure seems comprised of powerpop, garage, punk, jangle, barroom sing-a-long, chaos, and maybe, just maybe, a bit of whisky. The band sounds like they are on the precipice, and we are on the edge of our seats -- or standing and jumping around the room. From start to finish it is original, captivating and so full of vibrant storytelling that we want to grab our coats and head out on the town. Of course, we would take the music with us.

The main man here is Irish musician and songwriter Niall Murphy. Western Leisure is Oh Boland's third album, and is out now via Meritorio Records an Safe Suburban Home. Niall deserves your ears, and you deserve this album.

Bandcamp for Western Leisure

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