Saturday, May 11, 2024

R.E. Seraphin - Fool's Mate


On Fool's Mate, his second full length album under his own name, R.E. Seraphin proves himself a rocker at heart. And not just a rocker, but a clever, adept rock craftsman. The songs on this album have are structured on driving rhythms and buzzing rock riffs, adorned with vocals delivered in a semi-whisper reminiscent of Jim Reid of The Jesus and Mary Chain. Ray's guitar is a standout -- versatile and commanding -- but it doesn't overshadow the songwriting or the contributions of the other players. The arrangements are lean without being stripped down, and the quality of the playing, production and songwriting is consistent throughout. This may well be one of the best rock albums we hear this year, and when add it to Ray's recent EPs and previous album, we think the man has created an admirable discography in a few years.

In addition, contributors to Fool's Mate included Joel Cusumano, Daniel Pearce, Josh Miller, Luke Robbins, Owen Adair Kelley, and Hannah Moriah. Jason Quever of the Papercuts produced the album. The album is out now via Safe Suburban Home Records and Take A Turn Records.

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