Sunday, May 26, 2024

"Grass Walls" and "A Power of Wides" by Oh Boland


With each singles release from the upcoming Western Leisure from Oh Boland we get more excited to hear the entire album. We realize that you may be reading that first sentence and thinking 'buy WYMA has only feature one single'. Well, you wouldn't be wrong. But we are correcting that right now by posting the final two singles, "Grass Walls" and "A Power of Wides". It seems to us that what Niall Murphy, aka Oh Boland, does very well is blend garage, power pop and a touch of punk into a rousing tune that prompts us to pump our fist and move about. Check out the tunes below and note that Western Leisure will be released May 31 via Meritorio Records most everywhere and Safe Suburban Home in the UK.



Bandcamp for Western Leisure


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