Friday, May 5, 2017

Fazerdaze - Morningside

Amelia Murray seems unassuming, and that is great.  But to be honest, we think she has every right to be a bit full of herself right now.  In her superwoman guise as Fazerdaze, the mid-twenties musician from Auckland, New Zealand has a debut album out on Flying Nun, and a bright future.  The album is named Morningside, for the suburb where she lives.  Its songs are dreampop and shoegaze pop, with a warm vibe and a focus on youthful matters.  It is a slightly more robust version of bedroom pop, with a sunny summer morning sheen that makes even the concerns of the young feel like things ultimately will be OK.

The listener notices the intimacy, the affecting vocals -- probing but ultimately reassuring, the dynamism of the rhythm section.  But what impresses us most is Murray's ability to write and perform songs that so seamlessly combine a sense of youthful innocence with maturity of execution.  It all goes down so easily that the perfection isn't readily apparent.  And that is why it is perfection.

Morningside is out today.  Check the Bandcamp link below.

Bandcamp for Morningside
Flying Nun Records

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