Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Sunny & The Sunsets - Moods Baby Moods

Sonny & The Sunsets don't permanently attach themselves to any specific style, but they always provide compelling, if unquestionably off-beat, stories and high quality performances.  For Moods Baby Moods, their sixth album, Sonny Smith's San Francisco outfit gives us drum machines and woozy synths.  But characteristically defying typecasting, the new wave sensibilities are leavened with funk and a variety of technological bells and whistles.  And, of course, there are spoken word sections from various characters.  The vivid stories mine the weirdness of modern life, with characters who live on the edge, fantastical settings, a space alien or two, and the other facets of every day life in the city by the Bay.  At times it plays like a mostly musical old time radio show, but the angst, uncertainty and weirdness of modern life is always engagingly and entertainingly set forth.

The arrival of a new album from Sonny & The Sunsets has always been cause for celebration around WYMA, and this album is no exception.  You can never predict where the journey will take you, you just know it will be worth your time.  Moods Baby Moods is out now via Polyvinyl Records.

Bandcamp for Moods Baby Moods

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