Monday, November 16, 2015

The Jackals - People

The Jackals are an Edinburgh four-piece whose brand of warm, psychedelic indie rock sounds as at home on the American west coast as it does in their home city.  Their new album People features soulful vocals, jangling guitars and melodies that range from dusty psychedelia to surf to foot-tapping country rock.  Some of the songs, such as "Ghost Soul Traffic", are perfect for racing down the highway with the top down.  Some are better for late at night.  But the boys don't put a wrong foot forward over the course of this album, and the quality begs for a wide audience.  Unfortunately, no major label has stepped up to do assist with that task, so it fall to fans like WYMA.  Check out a few tracks below and then hit the links.

The Jackals are Scott Wilson (vocals/guitar), Paddy McMaster (drums/vocals), David Panton (bass/vocals), and Gary Quilietti (guitar).  People is available in digital and vinyl formats from the Cartel page and other outlets below.  The cassette version is available from Burger Records.

The Jackals' Big Cartel page
Burger Records 

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