Friday, July 31, 2015

Seapony - A Vision

It is a special gift to be sufficiently self-aware that you know what you do well and what you like to do that also pleases others.  Couple that with an unwillingness to attempt to do something you don't want to do just to chase a few more ears or gather a few more favorable reviews, and you have Seattle's Seapony.  What Seapony does as well as anyone -- that is anyone now or in the past -- is create infectious summer songs with jangling guitar, sweet vocals and melodies with a hint of melancholy.  That isn't a template or a formula, it is the beating heart of a band that loves this music and just gets better making it with each outing.  On A Vision, the now-quartet's third album, you can press play, close your eyes and feel the summer breeze and warm sun, hear the waves lap the shore, and feel the gentle pressure of your main squeeze's shoulder against your own.  The words are there and they are sweet and inviting.  But you don't need to even know what Jen is singing to connect with the music.  These are songs that draw you into an atmosphere more than a specific story.  And while there is plenty of variety in the 11 tracks, it is all carefully crafted to no break the spell.  There is no major market gloss, but nor are there any ragged edges to distract you from your lovely summer dream.  This album will take you through summer, and Indian Summer.  And then you will pull it out when you want to be reminded about summer.

Two tracks are available to stream below, but the album is packed with jangling gems.  I particularly recommend "Hollow Moon" and "Go Nowhere".

Seapony is Danny Rowland (guitar), Jen Weidl (vocals), Ian Brewer (bass), and Aaron Voros (drums).

A Vision is self-released by Seapony, and is available in vinyl, CD, digital and cassette formats.  See the Bandcamp link.

Bandcamp for album

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