Tuesday, March 18, 2014

REVIEW: Tony Molina - Dissed and Dismissed

Don't you hate it when you hear that some album that dropped with little fanfare, limited availability is now both completely unavailable and a must-have masterpiece? (and while I'm thinking about it, will someone re-release Nectarine No. 9's Saint Jack? Thanks in advance!)  Apparently, such things bother the good people at Slumberland Records as well, because on March 25 they are re-leasing the delightful powerpop record Dissed and Dismissed by Tony Molina.  Originally issues on a limited run of vinyl in 2013, the album now will be available on vinyl, cassette and digital formats.  Pick one, pick all, and the The Tony will be with you always.

Tony is involved in hardcore projects as well, but Dissed and Dismissed displays his connection with the sounds that make Guided by Voices, Teenage Fanclub and The Feelies so beloved by their fans regardless of the genre of the day on the pop music scene (even including one GBV cover).  All that doesn't mean that Tony is just replicating history.  He is thematically and lyrically adventurous, perhaps even subversive.  The songs are concise, but so sharp and well-formed that the length seems just right.  They seem like AM radio blasts from bands whose names you can't quite remember but whose work you loved.

This album may well be the stuff of legend around the campfires after Armageddon.  And maybe not.  But you'll enjoy it thoroughly regardless.  Besides, most of us  won't survive Armageddon.  If you're like me, you've been stockpiling beer, not food.  I'm just hoping to escape my library fines.


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