Wednesday, January 15, 2014

HL's Favorites of 2013 - Spotify Playlist

Hardy's Best of 2013 is another curated gem.   It's the final brick in the wall of the WYMA Best of 2013.  A little louder and more raucous, but a perfect counter point to the distinct sounds selected by our other reviewers. Check out the other Best of's and Spotify playlists:  John's ListJohn's Spotify PlaylistScott's ListScott's Spotify Playlist, John's List, John's Spotify PlaylistJD's List, and JD's Spotify Playlist.   Enjoy hours of solid musical choices.


  1. As always, gracias.

  2. Did Violent Soho's 'Hungry Ghost' **not** make anyone's WYMA best-of-2013 list? I struggle for an explanation.
