Thursday, January 19, 2012

So what's going on in Richmond?

Well, a hell of a lot, that's what. Richmond is a great music town, and if you're a punk rock fan, well, like I said, it's a great music town. Here are a couple of bands that prove the point.

Iron Reagan is a supergroup of sorts, featuring members of the excellent Richmond hardcore crossover band Municipal Waste and DC's Darkest Hour. Earlier this week they put up a 4 song, 5 minute long EP on Bandcamp. True to their name, these songs will take you back to some of the best 80s hardcore, including the best iteration of Suicidal Tendencies and the Cro-mags. It's available for download at the super-low price of whatever you want to pay -- but you ought to throw 'em a few simoleons. This is very tight musically -- just top-shelf stuff.

I came across The Haverchucks months ago, and am remiss in not mentioning them until now. They've got more of a pop vibe to their sound, but they're still loud as hell. They released a terrific 5 song EP at the end of last May with buzzsaw guitars and excellent vocals. It's on their Bandcamp site for that magical price of something/anything/ornothing. I'm partial to the more abrasive tunes, but the third track, "I Won't Try", might be the greatest song the Ramones never wrote.

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