Saturday, April 25, 2020

RVG - Feral

In only their second full length album, Melbourne's RVG sounds like a mid-career band recording their career-defining triumph. Yes, that is an emphatic statement, but we stand by it. Feral is just that good. Of course, it helps that we like '80 indie guitar bands, jangle, garage pop, and college rock, all elements that feature in this album. But we aren't featuring this band because the represent some cherished sound, but because they use those elements to create a set of songs with depth, incisive observations, pain, understanding and defiance -- as well as sounding so good that we don't want to stop playing it. Instrumentally, Romy Vager's chiming, jangling guitar is a star, bringing to mind Johnny Marr and Peter Buck, but the rhythm section keeps pace and never distracts while providing a rock solid base for the songs. However, the songwriting stands out most of all, tugging our hearts in all directions and leaving us a bit bruised, a bit breathless, and  considerably happier for the experience.

RVG are Romy Vager, Reuben Bloxham, and Marc Nolte. Feral is out now in digital, vinyl and CD formats via London's Fire Records.

Bandcamp for Feral
Various links for Feral

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