Wednesday, August 29, 2018

DIET - Sundown EP

The public line is "let's all be body positive", but we'll be honest -- we all know lots of people who need to lose weight, and some of those people even try.  And everyone wants to be an expert on the best method, so why the hell should we be different?  So, we now want to tell you about a great new diet.  Moreover, it is a diet that is particularly enjoyable, because it doesn't involve giving up any food or beverage.  And what is this diet called? It is called DIET, and it is a five-piece band from Melbourne, Australia.  They have just released the Sundown EP, and it delivers six slices of Britpop-influenced guitar pop. Or maybe the better description is that it reminds us of The Cure, if The Cure were a happy bunch.  Yes, this band sounds happy, and their music is upbeat and tightly performed.  This could well be your find of the week.

DIET is Ben O'Loughlin (vocals/guitar/synths), Carlos Tinsey (bass/vocals), Ted Mitchell (guitar), Andy Taylor (guitar/vocals), and Will Clancy (drums).  Sundown is the band's second EP, and is available right now.  Check out the Bandcamp link below.

Disclaimer: Neither WYMA nor the band makes any claims regarding weight loss as a result of using this product.  In that respect, it is like any other diet, so you have nothing to lose.  But because it is good music, you have an upside no other diet can give you.

Bandcamp for Sundown EP

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