Monday, May 2, 2016

POST - Subliminal Fuzz E.P.

Graham Wann's Glasgow/Manchester project POST has appeared here a number of times.  The lineup can change from time to time, and busy lives impose periods of silence.  But when this band has something for our ears, we are always happy to listen.  Playing garage pop that bleeds into power pop and college rock, you may at times wonder if you are hearing Teenage Fanclub or Close Lobsters playing a garage rock tribute festival (comet to think of it, that is a great idea).  I was disappointed in January when Wann announced that the band would be taking a bit of a break.  Fortunately, by the end of last week we had an brand new four-song E.P.  I guess this may be our farewell present, but if so, it is a worthy send off.  Quite simply, this is quality rock music.    Test out the lead track "Feedback On A Concrete Wall" and the best instrumental I've heard in years, "Man Rayzarek".  You can stream the entire EP at the Bandcamp link below.

Bandcamp for Subliminal Fuzz E.P.

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