Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Sandwitches - Our Toast

In the ultra competitive blogging race for eyeballs, we constantly evaluate how to elevate our game to beat out our competition.  So today, we are offering lunch.  Yes, indeed, we have Our Toast from San Francisco's The Sandwitches.  Of course, you could argue petty details, such as the fact that this nine-course lunch isn't free, or that it isn't even edible, or taking refuge in the realm of pendants, that the name of the group is misspelled.   Well, life isn't perfect and it is about time that someone that owns their own internet device learns that hard fact.  Better now than after you move off you ex's sofa and go out in the real world.

So, are you staying for lunch?  What we have are three female vocalists and musicians (hence the sly spelling of the band's name) -- Heidi Alexander, Grace Cooper and Roxanne Young -- who make an appealing melancholy brand of quirky garage pop.  In a way, I think of their music as a bit of a public service.  They wallow in life's offenses, heartaches and sadnesses so you don't have to.  You can listen to Our Toast and say "well, that's taken care of", and get on with your life.  And you'll do it with a bounce in your step.  And there is no lack of humor, as evidenced by the fact that the decision that the band was toast led to the album title.  Song titles include "Play It Again Dick", "Sleeping Practice", "Dead Prudence", and "Personal Hell".

Our Toast is a very satisfying little treasure, whether consumed for lunch or dinner.  And use can store without refrigeration and reuse without heating.  It is available via Empty Cellar Records in vinyl, CD or digital download formats.  See the Bandcamp link for details and a full stream of the record.

Bandcamp for album
Empty Cellar Records

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