Wednesday, April 10, 2013

New Hungarian Art/Punk Rock Discovery: derTANZ - Kaktusz

Do you eschew the conventional approach to rock music in favor of experimentation and wild exploration? Do you look back fondly on the heyday of the Captain Beefheart and/or The Minutemen - but wondered what would've happened if perhaps they had taken a little more minimalist approach? Did you ever ask yourself "What if Can or Neu! had been a lo-fi free punk trio?" Hell, do you like feedback?

If your answer to any of these questions is "yes" or "possibly, I've never really thought about it but it sounds interesting", then give a listen to Budapest's derTANZ. The band consists of Árpád Gulyás on bass, Ákos Tornyos on drums, and Gábor Kovács on vocals, and their album is called Kaktusz (Cactus).

Here's "A Statue" - which STARTS OUT with a drum solo:

Here's "The Trap", which gets into a bit of a motorik rhythm, surrounded by wild punk abandon:

I couldn't subsist on a steady diet of this - generally, I need a bit more rhythm - but it's compelling and very enjoyable in spots. Follow either of the tracks above to their Bandcamp site to download it for "name your price".

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