Sunday, April 28, 2013

Introducing: Kill Surrrf

Glasgow may not be the first place to look for surfy guitar music, but the unsurfing lads of that fair city's Kill Surrrf deliver a satisfying dose.  Starting out as Johnny Lynn's bedroom project, Kill Surrrf now is a four-piece and playing gigs.  They are unsigned, although they may have some small releases out on Number4Door and Shoot Yr. Foot Records.  They have material on You Tube and Soundcloud for you enjoyment, and I've provided a few choice entries below.  I fully appreciate that predicting success for a pop group is an activity with a low success rate.  But Mr. Lynn appears to have a real knack with a pop song, and the band seems quite able to my ears.  I look forward to more from these guys.

Kill Surrrf is Johnny Lynn (vocals/guitar), Thomas Dornan (guitar), Steven Warnock (bass/backing vocals), and Michael Gahagan (drums).


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