Monday, July 23, 2012

REVIEW: Eternal Summers -

Eternal Summers were known for their lo-fi, jangly, dreamy, punk infused sound through their earlier EPs and debut album.  Correct Behavior is the band's sophomore LP, and its first recorded output as a three piece, as Nicole Yun and Daniel Cudiff have added bassist Jonathan Woods.  With the broader sonic complexity comes a slightly different and more sophisticated sound.  Perhaps my best effort at a description would be a combination of The Sundays and Ride -- "dreamgaze" anyone?  But heavier rock sounds still creep in to provide a distinctive accent to the proceedings.

The additional power and complexity is ably displayed on the opening track, "Millions" --


In tracks like "I Love You", "You Kill" and "Summerset", the dream pop influence dominates the proceedings.  But tracks like "Heaven and Hell" demonstrate that the band is comfortable in the shoegaze segment of the spectrum --

My favorite track is the crunchy power-pop anthem "Wonder" --

Correct Behavior is a satisfying album.  It delivers hooky, full-bodied dream pop, and the music is diverse enough without losing cohesiveness.  Moreover, I think it establishes Eternal Summers' bona fides as a band with the chops to evolve and gather fans in the years to come.

Kanine Records

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