Thursday, May 17, 2012

REVIEW: Lightships - Electric Cables

It should come as no surprise that Gerald Love, bassist/singer/songwriter of Teenage Fanclub, knows his way around a pop song.  After all, he and his band mates have been crafting some of the indie world's finest guitar pop for a few decades.  But the discovery that expectations are fulfilled dulls none of the sparkle of  Electric Cables, his debut LP from his solo project Lightships.  Love delivers the full package, sunny melodies, careful arrangements and polished vocals.  And he also had the benefit of time, as he began the recording process in 2010.  There can be no better introduction to Electric Cables than the album's first official single, "Sweetness In Her Spark" --

The songs are sunny, romantic and direct, the guitars are shimmering and layered.  It may have the most positive feel of any indie pop album you hear this year, but it it a tribute to Love's ability that the album isn't the least bit saccharine or lightweight.  With Electric Cables, our ears are in the hands of professionals.

Love's collaborators on the recordings include Dave McGowan, Brendan O'Hare, Bob Kildea and Tom Crossley, a groups whose current and/or past associations include Teenage Fanclub, Belle & Sebastian and the Pastels.  While the songwriting and vocals of Love are the primary display, the contributions of the others on guitars, drums, keys and flute flesh out Love's vision to perfection.

The opening track is the gentle "Two Lines" --

If you are a fan of sunny guitar pop, this is an album not to be missed.  The album is released by Domino, and is currently available.

Domino Records

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