Thursday, July 28, 2011

New Sounds of Scotland-Part 21: United Fruit; John Wean

We have standards this week. They may be arbitrary, but at least they are standards. To be one of the bands in edition 21 of the New Sounds of Scotland, the band has to have two words to their name. They also need to present a contrast in sound from the other band. The winners are hard driving alt rockers United Fruit, which has just released an album, and engaging indie poppers John Wean, which has released their first proper single.

Unsigned Glasgow rockers United Fruit get in your face. Not in a bad way, it's just that they are rockers of a type less often seen and heard these days, and they understand that an assault on your senses is the way this music is played. And oh, they play it well. United Fruit's recent album, Fault Lines, hits with a frenetic pace from the opening note, and doesn't let up. If there is any justice in this music world, this album will mark their breakout.

The members of United Fruit are
Iskandar Stewart (vocals and guitar), Stuart Galbraith (guitar and vocals), Marco Panagopoulos (bass), and Ross Jenkins (drums).


Glasgow-based John Wean are Conor Cartwright (vocals and rhythm guitar), Jude Smith (vocals and bass guitar), Stuart Anderson (lead guitar), and Simon Coakley (drums). The band has been honing their indie pop sound for a couple of years now, leading to the recent release of the single, "Desperate Dan (She Told Me She Was Single)". The song is classic indie about a boy falling for a girl who fails to disclose that she has a boyfriend. A tough boyfriend.

Desperate Dan (she told me she was single) from John Wean on Vimeo.

While their isn't much recorded output from John Wean at this point, I'm betting that we will hear more good tunes from them in the future.


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