Monday, January 17, 2011

Transition Music

I guess in life we always are transitioning from one state or set of circumstances to another, but some transitions are more significant than others. One of those times for me was ending high school and entering college. Because of the way I view things, the period had a soundtrack, and for me, that soundtrack is very old music to most who will read this post.

I graduated from high school in June 1970, and entered college the following August. What was the soundtrack for young Rocksteady74? Like most, I listened to the Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, various Motown groups (although I preferred Curtis Mayfield and Otis Redding).

But I also favored a few acts with less general popularity. One was Terry Reid.

My older sister brought his album home from college the spring of my final spring in high school, and I fell in love with this song. I since learned that Reid had been offered the lead singer slot for the group that became Led Zeppelin, but turned it down. Robert Plant likely is grateful for Reid's decision.

Another is a British blues/psych rock band called Steamhammer. I learned of Steamhammer my first year in college.

Another good song from the "Reflection" album for which embedding is disabled:

The group recorded a number of albums and went through several personal changes, although I really am only familiar with the 1969 release "Reflection".

And two more acts gaining in popularity were regulars on my turntable. One was
Jethro Tull, whose "Benefit" album was as used as any album I've ever owned.

The other was The Band, which had published "The Band" in 1970.

1 comment:

  1. I love that old blues-based rock... my transition was a few years later, but included Jethro Tull for sure. A favorite uncle gave me his 8 track collection and Stand Up, John Wesley Harding and Workingman's Dead got essentially worn out in my car's tape player. Contemporary music at the time included such lifetime favorites as Roxy Music, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Boston and the Clash... always a mixed bag.
